The Student Newspaper of Oxford Academy

The Gamut

The Gamut

The Gamut

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Unique schedules to follow for finals week

Danny Banuelos Chavez

Finals week can seem like a soul-sucking, anxiety-inducing time for some, but by following a schedule that exemplifies strengths and fits your lifestyle, making it through to the holidays can be a breeze!

Pomodoro Pursuivant 

For those who love to plan every minute of their day, the popular Pomodoro study technique serves as a great way to bring a balanced work-rest ratio for finals week. First, select a task to accomplish or a subject to study for and set a 25-minute timer to spend the time focused solely on the chosen assignment. Once the time is up, take a quick five-minute break and continue studying the material or, if completed, move onto the next task. After repeating this process two to three times, take a more recuperating break of about 15-30 minutes. This extra structure provided by the Pomodoro method makes it a suitable option for those who get easily distracted.

The Efficient Procrastinator

Bad habits die hard; this schedule serves as the perfect plan for those wanting to break out of procrastination, but are not quite there yet. By placing the most undesirable task on your to-do list last, use the momentum received from avoiding that assignment to plow through smaller, less stressful duties. To ensure commitment and benefit productivity, turn your phone off or put it in a different room. Although not a fool-proof plan, it’s great for effectively completing little chores by using your weakness to your advantage.

Student-Athlete Scholar

It’s important to prioritize remaining time after practices or games to advance on a plethora of assignments and projects. When starting work in the evening, place importance on large projects or more urgent subjects, as those will need the sharpest mind. Studying during this period is also effective, since physical activity stimulates the brain and enhances concentration. Smaller homework assignments should be moved to the morning, which is also a fitting time to get in a light yet energizing workout to prepare for more intense sport events later in the day, or for those looking to stay in shape.

The Napper 

For late night crammers who are in dire need of rest, incorporating naps into the day is 

a great way to keep the mind fresh for finals week study sessions. Placing naps from about 7:00 p.m. to 10:00 p.m. is ideal since it would allot time to work both prior to and after sleeping. Order challenging assignments before or after the nap accordingly, depending on whether the prospect of a nap or having a well-rested mind is more compelling. Make sure to set an alarm for the desired wake-up time, because slip-ups can be costly. Rest is necessary, and when added appropriately, can enhance the finals week experience overall.

The pressure of finals week can be daunting, but choosing the right routine can make all the difference. By sticking to a fitting plan, finals week is sure to be a success. Regardless of semester scores, it’s important to remember that a number in a gradebook does not define your worth.

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About the Contributors
Jimena Beltran
Jimena Beltran, Senior Staff Writer
Junior Jimena Beltran is beginning her first year in Gamut as a staff writer. After going to GamSlam, The Gamut’s annual slam poetry event, Jimena was instantly enamored by it — inspiring her to join The Gamut to help plan the event and share her opinions in her writing. In addition to exploring her writing skills through The Gamut this year, Jimena is also Co-Vice President of The Film Society and plans to actively volunteer with Key Club. With an eclectic range of interests — from her passion for theology, looking into the meaning in text and greater truths about humanity and history, to various hobbies that can last for weeks or even just days — Jimena is ready to take on the world, or perhaps just Gamut for the time being. Beyond Oxford, Jimena’s aspirations range from trying out as a mailman, at least once, to buying her very own yacht. For now, checking the lottery numbers everyday — even though she can’t play — and checking yacht websites to scout out the best deals (that she can’t purchase just yet) will have to suffice.
Danny Banuelos Chavez
Danny Banuelos Chavez, Staff Artist
Danny Banuelos Chavez, a current sophomore at Oxford Academy, is entering their first year at the Gamut as a photographer and illustrator. As a person who has always been keenly observant of others, they took an interest in photography and taking action shots of others. Chavez is an obsessive enjoyer of “Garfield” and is easily able to recant their days of scribbling the lasagna-loving cat in their notebook. They describe themself as wacky because they love to change things up all the time, such as their room and wallpaper. Chavez also indulges in thought-provoking and most esteemed comedies such as “Parks and Recreation” and “Arrested Development”. They partake in all forms of music ranging from metal to country, some of their favorite bands being Mitski, Hozier, and the Cure. Aside from their cultured interests, they consider their culinary taste to be a “bit basic”, since their favorite foods are avocado toast and wings. Chavez looks forward to putting their photography skills to work this upcoming year.
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