On August 23, Anaheim City Council recognized Little Arabia as an official district in the city after two decades of advocacy from Arab American leaders, business owners, and community members. “As an Arab American I […] feel acknowledged like I mattered. It mean[s] a lot to me and a lot to the community to see Little Arabia designated,” said Salma Maaytah, a fifth grader who spoke at the city council meeting recognizing Little Arabia (per Voice of OC).
The designation of this Arab cultural hub, which consists of a 1.5 mile stretch of Brookhurst Street spanning from Ball Road to Broadway, was received with widespread enthusiasm. Members of the “Little Arabia” district and city council members alike rejoiced at the recognition of Arab culture in Anaheim.
“[Little Arabia] is another marker that can […] uplift Anaheim, beyond the [Disneyland] resort and [Anaheim’s] baseball team and hockey team,”
said Councilman Jose Moreno (per Voice of OC).
In the upcoming months, Anaheim plans to develop Little Arabia further by conducting a thorough study of the community’s demographics. This will allow for a more accurate designation of the cultural district and could mean a future expansion of its boundaries.