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The Gamut

The Gamut

The Gamut


INDIGENOUS JUSTICE: The California State University of Long Beach (CSULB) desecrated the Indigenous sacred site of Puvungna with toxic materials and has yet to fully compensate the tribal nations.

The desecration of Puvungna demands Indigenous justice

Rachel Yoon, Managing Editor December 12, 2024

On Native American Day in 2019, the California State University of Long Beach (CSULB) illegally dumped 6400 cubic yards of arsenic-laced soil, debris, and pesticides over the ceremonial grounds of Puvungna, a centuries-old sacred site belonging to the Gabrielino-Tongva and Acjachemen nations. The university...

MIXED SIGNALS: Controversial political tactics, like those seen in CA-45, lead to more division and reduce election integrity (Collage by Aarya Halankar)

Inflammatory political ads reduce election integrity

Aarya Halankar, Lifestyle Editor December 12, 2024

Americans were recently bombarded with election advertisements on all platforms preceding election season. While sometimes informative, these ads often slander candidates, pushing legal and ethical limits. To ensure fair elections, stricter federal regulations must be implemented against inflammatory...

RIGHT WING INFLUENCE: Right wing activists and content creators radically skew young male voters right through social media.

Right wing media’s influence skews elections

Audrey Lee, Staff Writer December 12, 2024

Right-wing media, correlating with conservatives and the Republican party, has become more prevalent leading into the 2024 election, influencing male youth dramatically. In the status quo, numerous social media influencers and celebrities propagate right-wing ideology, radicalizing young men listening....

MONEY TALKS: Elon Musk speaks at a Republican rally in Pennsylvania after endorsing Donald Trump in July. (Photo by the Associated Press)

Musk endorses Trump, reflecting corporatization of politics

Celine Park, Staff Writer December 12, 2024

The 2024 election season showcased numerous candidates’ campaigns via various platforms, with funding often fueled by donations. The affluent Tesla and SpaceX CEO Elon Musk spearheaded the American Political Action Committee (PAC), composed of Musk and other prominent businessmen, dedicated to funding...

INDIFFERENCE TO WARS: Bombardments of global crises by media outlets lead to the indifference of viewers.

Conflict coverage has desensitized war perception

Nathan Liu, Staff Writer November 21, 2024

Media consumers are often bombarded with news regarding other nation’s conflicts. Yet, as the world's attention shifts from one global crisis to another, the echoes of forgotten conflicts fade into the background noise of newer wars. This rapid shift in focus portrays the horrors of conflict as commonplace,...

COMMUNITY SPACE: The plaza mayor in Valladolid, Spain, is an example of the kinds of third places that are part of the culture of other countries.

Community third places must become a first priority

Miriam Santos, Senior Staff Writer November 21, 2024

As the internet has become an integral part of daily life, it has also accentuated a “connection crisis”: growing societal isolation. Libraries have been swapped for AI search engines and cafes for chat centers. Third places, which foster safe spaces for communal relationships and relaxation, have...

CELEBRITY MOURNING: The internet only worsens the spectacle that arises when a celebrity passes.

Celebrity deaths shouldn’t be social media spectacles

Rachel Yoon, Managing Editor November 21, 2024

When former One Direction singer Liam Payne died unexpectedly on Oct. 16, the media and entertainment industry erupted into chaos. Just hours after his death, disturbing photos of Payne’s body were plastered on the internet by TMZ, sparking an outcry from the public regarding the lack of respect for...

BLINDED BY CTENESS: A little girl unknowingly gambles her chances for a cute Labubu, only to discard money and other blind boxes she didn’t want.

Unboxing the gambling trap behind blind boxes

Jasmine Nguyen, Staff Writer November 21, 2024

Blind boxes have become a cultural phenomenon, captivating youth with an irresistible blend of mystery and cuteness. Unboxing videos of popular series, such as Smiski and Sonny Angels, and shopping haul vlogs from stores like Popmart and Miniso, dominate social media, propelling the niche market into...

Oxford’s CCR fails students’ varied needs

Celine Park, Staff Writer November 21, 2024

Every 7th grade student at Oxford Academy takes a semester of College and Career Readiness (CCR) followed by an additional year for most eighth graders. CCR aims to create an equitable support system for students of varying backgrounds and skills by offering in-class tutoring and teaching study strategies....

Electoral college fails to reflect American voices

Electoral college fails to reflect American voices

Celine Park, Staff Writer October 30, 2024

With the United States’ 60th presidential election approaching, American citizens are encouraged to register as voters. However, electoral votes, cast by states’ representatives in the electoral college, ultimately determine the election’s winner, rendering popular votes irrelevant and undermining...

AI’s progress and development pollutes the planet

AI’s progress and development pollutes the planet

Kenzie Laing, Staff Writer October 30, 2024

The technological advancements of Artificial Intelligence (AI) are revolutionary, but burns copious amounts of energy in its training and usage — far more than traditional technology. AI’s excessive energy use when created and operated, along with its immense e-waste production, must end as it accelerates...

Denying Change: Governor Gavin Newsom’s veto of Assembly Bill 2586 imposes on California’s undocumented students’ opportunities for employment and higher education.

Newsom’s AB 2586 Veto inhibits undocumented students

Nandita Bussa, News Editor October 30, 2024

On Sept. 22, Governor Gavin Newsom’s veto of Assembly Bill 2586 crushed California’s estimated population of 86,805 undocumented students. AB 2586 aims to provide equitable campus employment opportunities for all public post-secondary schooling systems such as UCs, CSUs, and California community...

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